Things That Truly Don`t Matter When You Buy Your First House

Buying your first home is scary. We get it. All those concerns you have about money are quite legitimate, and the mortgage process can be confusing. On top of that, you want to make sure the house fits you.

But some of the things that first-time homebuyers worry about really don’t matter. Here are some issues that shouldn’t factor into choosing a home:

Your dining room table or couch doesn’t fit.

Time for a little reality check: If your dining room table has some special significance ― say, it came over on the Mayflower with your ancestors ― OK, fine, keep it. But if it’s something you bought at Ikea and spent a weekend of hard labor assembling, don’t let it be a factor in whether to buy a house. Furniture that doesn’t work in your new home can be sold. Or if you really like your dining room table, you could store it. While this is your first house, it likely won’t be your last.

The walls are painted hideous hues.

There is no accounting for taste. But the good news is that paint is cheap and will totally erase the offending wall colors ― although it might take three coats. 

First-time prospective buyers are often guilty of seeing things only as they are, instead of seeing what they could be. Force your eye to view the potential, not the purple walls.

The top three things you may wish you could change but can’t are noise, view and natural light ― although skylights help.

The decor reminds you of Grandma’s place and not in a good way.

Without question, some homes are dated. Also, keep in mind that one person’s “dated” is another’s “vintage.” When the seller leaves, he will take his stuff with him. Those are the rooms where updating will cost you. Get some quotes on how much it will cost to remodel the kitchen and the bathrooms. At some point , that kitchen linoleum that is causing your eyes to bleed may just be back in style. 

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